Postgraduate Opportunities

You’ve invested your time in research during your undergraduate degree and you realise that you can’t live without it! Where do you go next?



  • Vets who are interested in specializing in a specific clinical area can apply for a ‘residency’ which provides specialist training and includes a component of research. All UK vet schools run residency programs. Please get in touch with Professor Linda Wooldridge if you would like to chat more about veterinary research career pathways!
  • Elizabeth Blackwell Institute clinical primer scheme – competitive awards for doctors/dentists/vets in postgraduate training to support 6-months of protected research time, to pump-prime applications for external (e.g. PhD) fellowships
  • Clinical PhD Fellowships – competitive externally-funded awards to support doctors/dentists/vets in undertaking a PhD. For example, the GW4-CAT HP Clinical Academic Training Program for doctors/dentists/vets.
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) – for veterinarians who wish to integrate research with field work in a One Health setting, various internships and jobs available
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency – for veterinarians that wish to support government policies with research