Thinking about applying for the Specialised Foundation Programme?

Interested in medical research? Thinking about the specialised foundation programme? Wondering about how to get involved in teaching as a doctor? Curious about leadership during your foundation job?

Our event will have speakers from Research, Leadership and Education specialised foundation programmes giving you an insight into what their experience is like, why you might want to apply for the SFP and how to provide a competitive application.

Pizzas provided!

Location: Dorothy Hodgkin Building, Lecture theatre A&B


When: THIS Friday 8th December 6.00-8.00pm


Remember to sign up:

BMRES INSPIRE Speak to an Intercalator Event 6th Oct 2023


Speak to an Intercalator Oct 6 th 

Inspire and BMRES have teamed up to organise this event for you to hear from and ask questions of previous intercalators

At the event previous intercalators will talk about: 

Their intercalation experience – what they learnt, how it benefited them & challenges encountered when intercalating

Funding and how it differs for MSc / BSc

External intercalation vs intercalating at Bristol

Intercalating into MSc / MRes

Intercalating as an international student

When and where:

Friday October 6th 6-7.30pm.

Sign up via the link:

Location TBC  – Keep an eye out for email / social media posts confirming the location

Snacks and soft drinks will be provided at the event – so come and join us for a friendly chat about intercalating.

Calling med/dental/vet students interested in being an INSPIRE Ambassador 2023/24

We are inviting Expressions of Interest for any med/dental/vet student to join our cohort of INSPIRE Ambassadors for 2023/24.  If you are interested, please complete this short form:

We will add you to our email distribution list, and let you know when there are INSPIRE Ambassador meetings.

Being an INSPIRE Ambassador means:

  • Promoting research and training opportunities to your fellow students
  • Contributing to at least one of our INSPIRE activities (see below)
  • Attending regular INSPIRE Ambassador meetings to feedback to the rest of committee on what you have been doing in your focus group (see below). Meetings usually held virtually every 1-2 months on a Wednesday afternoon.