Speak to an Intercalator Oct 6 th
Inspire and BMRES have teamed up to organise this event for you to hear from and ask questions of previous intercalators
At the event previous intercalators will talk about:
Their intercalation experience – what they learnt, how it benefited them & challenges encountered when intercalating
Funding and how it differs for MSc / BSc
External intercalation vs intercalating at Bristol
Intercalating into MSc / MRes
Intercalating as an international student
When and where:
Friday October 6th 6-7.30pm.
Sign up via the link: https://forms.gle/WGoBJgUURhgQiv449.
Location TBC – Keep an eye out for email / social media posts confirming the location
Snacks and soft drinks will be provided at the event – so come and join us for a friendly chat about intercalating.